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Felicia Reinitz
The memories we share will never be forgotten. You were a huge part of my life and will always occupy a part of my heart. Even through the tough times we both grew and learned from eachother, and as a result became stronger people. I look forward to the day we will be together again in paradise.
Alyson Hogan(Van Santen)

I have known you since the 1st grade, and you are truly an amazing person and definatly will never be forgotten. Even though we lost touch after high school you will truly be missed and your accomplishments will always be remembered. Love and prayers go out to you and your family.

Samantha Hughson
Damn chris im gonna miss u sooo much...when i first met u there was something about u that just made me just fall in love with u...it was like yesterday when i came to your house and we kicked it in the tree house with all the guys...i just cant believe u are gone...u were one of the most amazing people i have ever met. u can brighten anyones day no matter how down they were.remebering all the nights we snuck over to eachothers houses to just hang out. i still remeber when u came to my house and we were watching some porn movie with the dudes and started fast forwarding it cus it funny as hell how they looked on the video...lol...that shit cracked me up so much. or when u were washing ur dogg and she started to bleed and u freaked out so bad cus u didnt know girl dogs had there period that was hilarous just watching u trip on that....lol.chris u made me smile and brightened my day so much...im gonna miss with allmy heart and i hope ur mom and my mom are having fun playing poker.i know ur watching over all of us and one day we will see eachother again.i love u rip chris!!forever u will always be n my heart!! GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Priscilla Wanderley & Rachel Taylor


    You were such a great person inside and out you were always there for David and for our family. We love and miss you so much. I will never forget my memories with you. I will cherish them forever. You meant so much to all of us. 


Jennifer Fimbres
i will always remember our bus rides to softball and baseball games.. u may be gone but will never be forgotton.... i know your smiling down on us :)
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